الثلاثاء، 3 نوفمبر 2015

Top 10 countries in the act of the worst! Written by Ahmed Wafi 10/31/2015, 12:36

Title may seem a little strange, how best to meet the worst description? Maybe I wanted to take a look at our list to understand more!

Brazil boasts obtaining the World Cup five times, and boasts Denmark obtaining the title of the happiest country in the world, but all the titles are not always positive; there are countries occupies first place in the bad things and habits disgraceful, Below is a list would not wish that your country be including never.

10-smokers Austria country!


As most people know Smoking is the first Almsp for cancer, but it seems the Austria do not care for it as it holds the record for the highest percentage of smokers in the world at 36.3 percent of the population.

Consequently, more than a third of Austrians smoked regularly, which means that this rich European country with the highest smoking rates in the world.

An estimated 60 percent of Austrians from the age of 20-50, or about 2.5 million people admitted to smoking regular or semi-regular basis in 2010.

And the worst is that 41 percent of the 15-20 age group are also smoked on a regular basis, while 8 percent from the same age group admitted to smoking some cigarettes from time to time.

And it has created a nicotine Austria's problems with its neighbors in 2009, which kept her from the European Union to approve the law requiring bars and restaurants to allocate major at least 50% of non-smoking seating areas within the framework of the fight against passive smoking.

The move sparked widespread outrage in Austria, and said many business owners not to respect for this law for fear of losing their customers.

And in 2010, only 19 percent of Austrians said they supported a complete ban on smoking in restaurants and other enclosed areas.

9-Belarus drunken country!


Alcoholism is heartbreaking at the individual level, but when the country or the majority of its population are addicted to alcohol This is the biggest problem !!

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the average alcohol consumption in Belarus is 17.5 liters (3.9 gallons) of pure alcohol a year, almost three times the global average of 6.2 liters (1.4 gallons).

If this does not seem bad enough, the average male consumption of alcohol in Belarus is 27.5 liters (6 gallons) per year.

And the Government of Belarus has rejected a World Health Organization report, and claimed that the actual figures are much lower.

The government has developed a program to combat alcohol includes heavy fines for driving drunk and homemade liquor ban. There are even plans to raise the drinking age from 18 to 21 years.

Drink prices also rose significantly, as the price of vodka doubled over the past few years, but it seems that alcohol is rooted in the culture of Eastern Europe, where the top five consumer countries of alcohol found in the region. According to the WHO report.

8 South Korea-country plastic surgery!


In the world of appearances it is not surprising that some people feel enormous pressure to comply with the standards of beauty in society, even if it means undergoing surgery expensive, painful, and potentially dangerous.

Things are particularly bad in South Korea, where plastic surgery is practically a daily event, where one of every five women in South Korea have undergone a facelift, and this rate four times higher than the rate among American women.

Even the cosmetic surgeons in the country enjoy a good reputation all over the world, Jat 7.5 million people traveled to Seoul to perform cosmetic operations !!

And there is anecdotal evidence to suggest that Korean women feel that society is largely judged on their appearance, and the popular surgeries include procedures to enlarge the eyes and nose reshaping and jaws.

7-Honduras country deforestation


Deforestation is a global problem, but some countries worse than others in this issue, and Honduras is the worst ever !!

According to the Report of the Global Forest Resources Assessment, and Central American countries it lost the fourth highest percentage of its forests between 1995 and 2005, behind the Comoros and Burundi and Togo.

However, Honduras has lost more than these three countries together in spite of their relatively small size, and Qrkant Honduras among the top 20 countries in total lost forest.

And live an estimated 70 percent of the Honduran population in extreme poverty, and firewood often is the only source of fuel for cooking.

Local coffee growers do not always realize the effects of the chemicals they use, and there are reasons not just of surprising them that an increase in drug trafficking across the country to raise deforestation rates to levels Kberhhat that smugglers clearing of forests for agriculture and the goal is to money laundering and this has made Honduras lose four Odaovemn its forests between 2007 and 2011.

6-Chad lowest life expectancy


With an average life expectancy of only 49 years, Chad is considered officially the worst country that a person can be born in it !!

Malnutrition is the biggest factor in the short life of the Saharawi people, as Chad is a major exhibition of the drought and natural disasters.

And what makes matters worse, the recent conflict in neighboring Sudan, which is behind the devastating refugee crisis, with the influx of thousands of people across the border in search of safety.

Chad also have suffered from decades of civil war and the brutal conflict with the Libyan regime.

Chad is also suffering from an epidemic of HIV / AIDS, where an estimated 3.4 percent of the adult population living with the disease as that of the 120,000 children have lost their parents due to illness.

Water is increasingly scarce as only about 4% of the population in rural areas, they have a safe source of drinking water, leading to outbreaks of infectious diseases such as diarrhea and cholera and typhoid fever.

In a country where there is no doctor, but only one for every 38,000 people, these diseases become inevitably fatal.

5. Germany Country fancy!


As well as the Champions League or the Eurovision Song Contest, Germany is also the European champion when it comes to the number of prostitutes.

By some estimates, Germany has up to 300,000 working in the field of fancy, half of whom are foreign-born.

Since it became illegal prostitution in 2002, Germany has become occupies first place in prostitution, and there are an estimated 500 brothels in Berlin alone, among the more than 3,000 in the country as a whole, and the industry on the country generate about 20 billion dollars per year!

But the boom in prostitution in Germany has a dark side tragic where many of the workers in this field from abroad to smuggle into the country with promises of work in other areas before being forced to work in the industry.

Fancy houses owners take the lion's share of the profits, and pay for female workers pittance! According to some estimates, it has had up to 90 percent of women to enter the field against their will!

4-country Papua New Guinea cannibal


Was cannibalism Nadhira since prehistoric and extinct cultural practice since the 19th century, with one notable exception, and is the island of New Guinea, which is home to wild forests, and animals undiscovered, and isolated tribes from the rest of the world, and believed that some of the These groups still practice ritual cannibalism!

People Korowai, for example, said it eats male magicians known as the flesh khakhua, and because of this people have little understanding of modern medicine, they attribute the disease to eat meat khakhua and thus fairness requires that the person concerned is eaten as a kind of punishment!

And usually it kills khakhua shot with arrows before they can be slaughtered and eat it!

It is believed that this practice ceased to exist among many groups of people Korowai, but are likely to be still in some isolated communities.

And the cannibalism was responsible for the devastating outbreak of the disease during the fifties, where the people in Papua New Guinea for a long time practiced ritual cannibalism, ideologically the bodies of recently deceased members of the tribe.

And during the years of the fifties and sixties disease known as kuru led to the killing of about 1,000 members of the tribe.

Kourou, which means "the death of shaking," and has recently discovered that nerve disease is spread by eating infected human brains!

3. Japan country of Cruelty to Animals!


There is no easy way to estimate the one country that has the worst record when it comes to cruelty to animals, but terrible record compared to other developed countries certainly makes it a strong candidate.

Japan has continued to hunt whales and dolphins on an industrial scale, insisting that his fleet working in the field of "scientific research" to circumvent international restrictions on whaling.

Since declining demand for whale meat over the last 50 years, it has become the industry is profitable, but is still supported by the Japanese government to the tune of about $ 10 million annually.

And often it feeds his students in schools on the whale meat under the guise of educating them!

Tai Chi in the chase are about 2,500 of the dolphins and putting them by boat and surrounded, and in the morning challenging to death with bayonets, and hooks, and knives, and the water turns red because of the blood.

And things are not perfect on the floor is also where the law of 1973 to take care of animals stipulates that the person who adopted a dog or cat stray obliged to dispose of it properly, and unfortunately here in Japan is to get rid of these animals with gas, and this method savage do not take often only 30 minute, but things are not desperate, there are steps to save the lives of many pets.

Kumamoto City Center for Animal Care began looking at the reasons why people pay to get rid of their animals and in many cases there will be attempts to talk to them and dissuade them from this decision, and surprising is that most people change their minds and decide to continue the care of animals, and in 2002 was put out nearly 400 animal.

2-Somalia country of child soldiers


The recruitment of children condemned by almost everyone, but it constantly because of the many conflicts around the world.

And the problem may be worse in Somalia, where Islamist militant groups have resorted to recruiting children as young as 10 years for use in their fight against government forces.

This group has-been accused of using a truck teenage recruits to protect the more experienced fighters.

He claimed that one out of 100 of his fellow survivors, that nearly 98 of them were killed immediately when the group sent them into battle.

And often use this group of children to attract other children to trap these, where Agrunhm to play the game of football, but when they get to the field, they are arrested and sent to the training camp.

1-Bangladesh is a country of human trafficking


Terrible crime of human trafficking really, and with that they are more common than you might think.

Each year to 600.000-800.000 people are trafficked at least on the international border and some reports estimated that the actual number is much higher.

And the victims are forced into indentured servitude, and most of them believed to have been trafficked for purposes of sexual exploitation.

Despite efforts to reduce this phenomenon, but the trade continues to grow, and the situation may be worse in Bangladesh, where they are smuggling an estimated 50,000 women and children abroad every year.

Reliable statistics for men are not available, but it is believed that tens of thousands have been trafficked abroad to work in India or the Middle East.

It is not known how many people are forced into slavery in Abanngladec itself, and targeted smugglers and vulnerable young women with promises of a better life abroad.

Between 1999 and 2004, he was arrested on 53 of traffickers and only 21 of them has been convicted only

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