الأربعاء، 4 نوفمبر 2015

Shop in China has the potential to raise the iPhone 6 capacity from 16 to 128 GB

I think your purchase of the phone iPhone 6 16 GB is a very wrong decision wrong but if you're in China there is a solution there is shop will raise capacity to only 128 GB for $ 92 Omraki.alkhiar not switch your phone but updated the storage capacity of your phone to new capacity and it is not easy Add so Apple will not be happy this step and will work to prevent it and do not forget that you will be risking as Peru and void the warranty and may occur problems with capacity Altkhozanah.almottagr this option provided the iPhone 6 only and there is no information whether it is possible with the iPhone 6 Plus or even a series of iPhone 6 as

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