الثلاثاء، 3 نوفمبر 2015

20 most expensive city in the world in terms of cost of living

The Expatistan.com site collects information from approximately 200,000 users all over the world to calculate the average price in 1600 of the city where the price of everyday goods such as food, rent, fuel and thus determine the most expensive in terms of cost of living, have occupied the capital US Washington ranked 20, that is, less than 19 other city more expensive.


19th place occupied by the city of Tokyo, where the average rent furnished accommodation 85 M2 in an affluent area £ 1778 and my ticket cost the film more than £ 20!


Australian city of Melbourne was ranked 18 on the list, which may cost one kilogram of apple £ 2,18.


Grade 17 occupied Amsterdam, where a meal at a fast food restaurant and service costs £ 5.70 for two people for one month costs about 140 pounds.


16th place went to Honolulu in the United States which is a beautiful but it's not cheap, services are there will cost you £ 200 a month.


Grade 15 occupied Stockholm, where the cocktail can cost you £ 11.


14th place went to The Hague in the Netherlands, where a pair of shoes cost you £ 109.


Brisbane in Brisbane or Australia, which occupies Grade 13, good seats for the theater cost about £ 113, while the gym membership for one month in the business district costing 42 pounds. The positive side to the beach is free.


Grade 12 we find in Hong Kong, where the average rent is £ 2840, although the price of a pair of movie tickets is only £ 13.


Sydney occupies 11th place where a pack of cigarettes Marlboro costing £ 10 here, so it is a bad place for smokers.


There are 10 ranked Copenhagen, where that Tran of Coca-Cola Aklvan nearly 3 pounds.

. Copenhagen_2775891k

Ninth place went to San Francisco, where a bottle of the drink in the shops cost 10 pounds.


Ranked eighth-occupied Paris, where the rent is high and up to £ 2141 per month.


Ranked seventh in the list is Singapore, where the Volkswagen Golf 2.0 TDI 140 CV 6 new cost £ 78806 while in Santo Domingo, for example, the same price of a car is less B86 per cent.


Sixth place occupied by Lausanne in Switzerland, where five miles in a taxi there cost an average of 23 £, so it may be worth buying some good shoes for walking.


New York occupies fifth place because of high prices, as the Tzkrtan to the theater there will cost you £ 197 out of your pocket.


Fourth place went to Zurich, where 12 eggs cost £ 4,26 and treatment of the common cold for six days costs 12 pounds.


Another Swiss city, Geneva, occupies third place, where half a kilo of chicken here cost £ 9 on average.


Finally, in the first place, we find London, where the monthly transport costs up to 131 pounds, in addition to the rent and the high price of gasoline is 1.39 euros per liter, more than double the price in Los Angeles.


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