الثلاثاء، 10 نوفمبر 2015

Google improves the quality of video calls in the Hang Oates Hangouts service

Google Inc. began the launch of the new update service for immediate talks and calls Hang Oates Hangouts on the Web, where she focused on improving the quality of video calls dramatically.

Update did not reach to all users yet, but Google promised to providing for all through shortly after his experience with a limited set of users.
And the dissemination of Fernández notes, one of the engineers at Google Inc., on his account in Google Plus Post in which he said that, starting today, users can Google Hang Oates on the web to take advantage of the last update, which focuses on improving the user experience and reduce the phenomenon items on the screen to focus on all calls. He added that the user can start calls faster and high accuracy is much better than the previous quality.

Update and download a range of improvements was the most important video calls that have become the best in terms of quality, as is easy to make calls or invite friends after it was in the past require little steps.

The Hang Oates Google allows application users to send instant messages, images, video clips, and the ability to make voice and video calls, which is available for Android systems, iMac or feed, as well as support for all computers running the browser Google Chrome Systems.

The Google acknowledged in May / May of this year that talks through Instant Messaging Service affiliate, Hang Oates, are not being fully encrypted, which means that governments are able to eavesdrop on users.

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