الأحد، 22 نوفمبر 2015

IOS system: the most prominent events during the week


This week saw a series of important news on the level of system iOS such as Google Chrome update on iPhone stop support for external keyboards and do Tim Cook denied directed Apple to launch a computer hybrid and the launch of Apple's first official charging base smart for her hour Apple Watch and the emergence of reports about Apple launch iPhone 6 C-torque mid next year and get Apple's patented technology to control devices through the eye and Apple confirmed the existence of a problem in the iPad Pro makes it does not respond after shipping

    Google Chrome update on iPhone stop support for external keyboards

Google Inc. has launched a new update of the Chrome browser on any or feed system iOS devices iPhone and iPad stop support for external keyboards 3rd Party Keybaords.

The new update is available in the App Store App Store and carries version number 46.0.2490.85, where only focuses on addressing the problem in the search bar, and stop support for external keyboards and force the user to use Apple's official panel keys.

The company said the reason to abandon support for external keyboards is a software problem with any OS 9 system leads to Google Chrome stopped working at times. She added that the re-support external keyboards depends on which Apple must get rid of the existing problems.

    Tim Cook went denies Apple to launch a hybrid computer

He denied Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, categorically directed the company to launch a hybrid computer works by Regular EOS iOS and Mac OS X or Mac OS X.

And working smart devices such as Apple's iPhone and iPad any or feed system, while portable MacBook Hawwasabha such as work, and MacBook Pro Mac OS X system, but the rumors have emerged recently on the computer combines the two systems.

He said Tim Cook said the company feels that users are never waiting for a device that combines Apple's two operating systems in a single device, nothing to fear because the company will receive. He added that Apple is always working to provide experience in the use of simple systems, but the integration of regulars will lead to the deletion of some of the features or provide a different way, and thus lost the features that waiting for any user, whether in the Mac system or any or feed.

Apple already got a patent for a computer hybrid at the beginning of the month of November of this, but it certainly will not work by Regular run as many analysts predicted earlier.

    Apple launches first official smart charging base for her hour Apple Watch

Apple launched the first officially magnetic base Charging Dock to charge the Apple Smart hours Apple Watch all sizes and various Asaddartha at a price of US $ 79.

Al-Qaeda and is available only in white, come in a circular motion with the presence of a magnetic disk in the center allows the development of ship time flat Flat, or by placing vertical, ie, by connecting the ends of the hand strap.

And operate the new rule by using the cord from the type Lightning user to charge devices iPhone 5 and its aftermath, as well as some versions of the iPad, and recently plate Apple wireless keyboard and Magic Mouse wireless mouse as well.

It does not consider this the first rule that is available to ship an hour Smart Apple, where available rules Shipping informal, but they are supported Apple and is available in stores and at lower prices, such as Base Elevation Lab company sold at a price of US $ 30, and Twelve South at a price of $ 60.

    Reports: Apple plans to launch iPhone 6 C middle of next year

Technical research director at research firm "IHS" IHS, Kevin Wang, said that Apple plans to launch the phone "iPhone 6 C" iPhone 6c, which has been talked about repeatedly during the last term, the middle of next year.

It was Wang previously predicted that Apple will launch a phone, which will screen measuring 4 inches, the end of the year, but is forecast, supported by his information shared an analyst with the company "to GI Security" KGI Securities - reliable with respect to the news of Apple - Ming-Chi Kuo .

Wang did not provide any additional information on the phone is that it will come analogy junior-screen TV, but Koo recently said that the device will be an improved version of the phone "iPhone 5 S" iPhone 5s, including metal design, and processor type "any 9" A9, in addition to that will enter mass production phase during the first half of 2016.

    Apple gets patent for a technique to control devices through the eye

America got Apple patented a new technology that allows control Bhawwasabha smart and organs by using a sensitive eye to the direction of vision.

And the deployment of the US Patent Office explanation for the new technology, titled "delay display some elements depending on the direction the user view", where it can be patented as a new way to control devices through the follow-up to the direction of the eye techniques to delay display, perform some tasks that require awareness summarized user view directly to the screen.

And it can explain the example of the new technology for automatic spell correction system in PCs and Mac computers Apple Smart, who is currently correct any wrong word automatically after the written word and the transition to the next, which could lead to change some of the words without the user notice. As for using a sensitive direction of the eye, the correction will be done only after confirmation from the user view directly to the screen to ensure see any change happening.

    Apple confirms the existence of a problem in the iPad Pro makes it does not respond after shipping

Apple has officially confirmed the existence of a problem for many owners Hasabha new tablet iPad Pro, resulting in the device stopped responding after shipping.

US company said on a page technical support hers "Apple is aware of this problem and investigating the matter," promising refresh the page when there is more information.

A number of computer owners of a tablet-sized screen large, which Apple began to put to sell about 10 days ago, that the device stops responding after the shipment, while some said that the device does not respond to either the touch screen or button "Home".

Apple explained that the problem is solved by rebooting the device forcibly, users are recommended to resort to this case until a solution is available balmy.

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