الثلاثاء، 9 سبتمبر 2014

Foursquare launches an update to the record attendance of applications Sorm

Launched a social network Places "four" Four Thursday the new update of its application to the "record attendance" Enter ", Sorm" brings full advantage of two new.
Said the company in the page order in the description of the app stores added in this version - available for Android and Windows systems, the iPhone OS - the ability to send messages to close friends (even if they are in the Sorm) to navigate and manage applications and institutions.
This feature is the ability to independently and together to introduce themselves confirms the presence of the messages sent. When sending a message, the site where the user on the map right there with them through discussion.
It follows that the second merit to see the "register" with their attendance, including four in the ability to see the history of the place, including the knowledge of the company Those who have come to him.
Available for Windows and Android, the iPhone and the operating system in its own system stores the latest update sent.